Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Libya, Egypt, Yemen all come apart...add to this Daghistan, Serbia, Sudan and Pakistan.
Iraq's central Shia-led government in Baghdad has lost control of Kirkuk and Diyala, as the bombing campaign approaches its 2-year anniversary.
Large parts of Syria are depopulated, some of its for 'peaceful reasons,' like failure of collective farms, industries, roads, etc, etc. Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Irbid, and down south, Der'a, and out east, Deir Az Zour all have abandoned ruined neighborhoods. Children can't play in the rubble lest unexploded ordnance explode. We estimate 6 million internally displaced refugees, but another 6 million have been displaced earlier.
Lebanon is all securitized. Movemment between sectors is difficult and dangerous. Bathers on the beach don't seem to mind. Maybe we should all go to the beach...we believe Sunni and Shi';a factions will be fighting each other by mid June..there's time enough for a tan.War and peace are not opposites....there's the 3rd element...what is it? Care? "Teach us to care and not to care" - T.S. Elliot
Yemen is hanging on, a broad-based government piecing itself together. The Americans are laying low...their help is to trace weapons, money, drugs, bomb-makers...
Libya has not come together in the two years of peace. So it is not at peace. Benghazi was a Greek colony, while Tripoli was a Phoenician one. Why should they get together? Each has its own access to petroleum, though Benghazi's access is greater, thanks to the Adjabiyyeh port complexes and pumping stations. I doubt the EU can pressure Tripoli and Mizrata and Sabratha, and Zlitan to join a Benghazi-led government.
Egypt's Islamist government is being urged to disassociate itself from Muslim Brotherhood, by Europeans, North Americans and Far East potentates, but that's like a chicken disassociating itself from an egg, which happens, of course. Democracy in Egypt is like a chick in an egg, hammering to get out.
Thanks to the Boston bombing, Americans again ask why Islam is their enemy. That's a stupid response. The terrorists are not Muslims - they are mock-Muslims. Sure, everybody want the Shari'a to be free of unIslamic laws, but interest keep the women down, the orphan dispoiled, the criminal without a hand, the non-Muslim taunted and threatened, the Jihadist.. None of these were part of Muhammads practice at Medina. Thereis no theory of war in the Qur'an.
The American Republicans now believe that Christian Zionism is the gateway to Armageddon. A few extremists can ignite the world. What fools, to think that Islam is the enemy! We will lose this one...
Iraq's central Shia-led government in Baghdad has lost control of Kirkuk and Diyala, as the bombing campaign approaches its 2-year anniversary.
Large parts of Syria are depopulated, some of its for 'peaceful reasons,' like failure of collective farms, industries, roads, etc, etc. Homs, Hama, Aleppo, Irbid, and down south, Der'a, and out east, Deir Az Zour all have abandoned ruined neighborhoods. Children can't play in the rubble lest unexploded ordnance explode. We estimate 6 million internally displaced refugees, but another 6 million have been displaced earlier.
Lebanon is all securitized. Movemment between sectors is difficult and dangerous. Bathers on the beach don't seem to mind. Maybe we should all go to the beach...we believe Sunni and Shi';a factions will be fighting each other by mid June..there's time enough for a tan.War and peace are not opposites....there's the 3rd element...what is it? Care? "Teach us to care and not to care" - T.S. Elliot
Yemen is hanging on, a broad-based government piecing itself together. The Americans are laying low...their help is to trace weapons, money, drugs, bomb-makers...
Libya has not come together in the two years of peace. So it is not at peace. Benghazi was a Greek colony, while Tripoli was a Phoenician one. Why should they get together? Each has its own access to petroleum, though Benghazi's access is greater, thanks to the Adjabiyyeh port complexes and pumping stations. I doubt the EU can pressure Tripoli and Mizrata and Sabratha, and Zlitan to join a Benghazi-led government.
Egypt's Islamist government is being urged to disassociate itself from Muslim Brotherhood, by Europeans, North Americans and Far East potentates, but that's like a chicken disassociating itself from an egg, which happens, of course. Democracy in Egypt is like a chick in an egg, hammering to get out.
Thanks to the Boston bombing, Americans again ask why Islam is their enemy. That's a stupid response. The terrorists are not Muslims - they are mock-Muslims. Sure, everybody want the Shari'a to be free of unIslamic laws, but interest keep the women down, the orphan dispoiled, the criminal without a hand, the non-Muslim taunted and threatened, the Jihadist.. None of these were part of Muhammads practice at Medina. Thereis no theory of war in the Qur'an.
The American Republicans now believe that Christian Zionism is the gateway to Armageddon. A few extremists can ignite the world. What fools, to think that Islam is the enemy! We will lose this one...