Egypt's Bizarre Islamist Constitution
Late on November 29th, 2012, after sixteen hours of debate, President Muhammad Morsi and Egypt’s Constituent Assembly, signed into law a new national constitution, with 294 provisions. Islamic law remains the law of the land, as it was before. But this rise of the clergy, hijacking the 2011 Egyptian revolution, using foreign (Saudi) money to vote themselves into most offices, is unprecedented.
The Islamist constitution did not evolve through consultation between parties. It does not recognize the equality of women before the law. Furthermore, it puts restrictions on where women are to work. Egypt's Copts are alarmed, because the new constitution offers no guarantees that their rights will be honored.
Morsei showed his colors by simply announcing that we was seizing, usurping, all power, bypassing the courts and violating Egypt's existing laws. CC an you imagine what he would do to Egypt if he had his way?
"Allah favors the Muslim clergy so gives the top clergyman absolute power." This is wrong, un-Islamic, and quite against the grain of Bedouin politics. Some western social scientists, realizing that early 'primitive' societies generally elect their leaders and that these leaders are immediately accessible, call this time-honored nomadic (and town) way 'primitive democracy.' But it is real democracy, ancestral to all Arabs.
Authenticity in Arabia and in all Arab countries, derives from the long traditions of the Bedouin: Compromise, reconciliation, petitions, show-your hands referendums, the just settlement of legal disputes, the payment of damages - all this was second nature to Arab ancestors.
Readers of this blog know how we feel about the relation between democracy and Islam: they are compatible. "Government must consult with the people at every step."
Bedouin sheykhs sought consensus, but recognized the validity of opposition: “My people will not agree on an error”
- Muhammad.
After Muhammad's death in 632 CE, Abu Bakr was elected Khalifa (successor) by the various ulemas (learned elders). After his assassination, Omar was elected khalifa. After him, Uthman, and Ali - all elected. Muhammad left no instructions, no texts, but we can be certain that he set up the election of the khalifa.
Elections, petitions, audiences, lobbying, legal claims and challenges, diplomacy between tribes, tolerance of non-Muslims - these are elements in Arabia's traditional democracies.
But one can fully understand why the Ikhwan (the Brothers) go for it. Their organization was illegal from 1954 to 2011. Their ideology and their texts, like the new constitution, shows no tolerance, no compromise, and redress of grievances, and no recourse to courts, except for the Islamic courts he'll be setting up, over time, in all neighborhoods and towns.
If the prophet Muhammad returned, to conduct interviews with various sorts of people, would he recognize the Muslim leaders? By dress, yes, but not from spirit or law. Muhammad had no use for any use for a clergy. Though he had a legal background, as a mediator, he was no universal law giver. He limited his changes, his reforms, to just a few areas: women's rights, to stop infanticide, to elect of officers from the bottom up (by merit), the guarantee of rights to non-Muslims, and the many prohibitions against harm, even during war.
Muhammad was a humble man, averse to any assumptions. So when God and Her Angel tell him that he is not a teacher or world conqueror, but one who warns...
Islam was a search for the living truth inside, a method for psychological growth and discovery. The original revelations are lost because they were never really studied. Never use one's piety to assume you are better than others. We must not forget that the Islamists are not educated in the 'western' social sciences. Morsi was trained as an engineer, benefitted greatly from his stay in the US. As an engineer he has not been exposed to Euro-American democratic theory and practice.
A referendum is to be held December 15, to get the people's approval. Saudi monies will no doubt continue to percolate through the society. But opposition is increasing. Those protesting in Tahrir Square are secular people, most educated, some writers and intellectuals. Morsi is a tough religious bigot, famous for not compromising with all those he considers non-Islamic. Of course he knows full well the hideous assassination campaigns implemented by the Muslim Brothers, from 1929 to 201l.