Sunday, November 25, 2012

ARAB REVOLUTIONS 2011-2013                                                                   November 25, 2012
Hypocrisy in Bright Sunlight

Egypt –

President Morsi goes for it, grasping for absolute power, on Thanksgiving Day, November 22, 2012. The secular people of Cairo and Alexandria rally. On the 26th, members of the Supreme Judicial Counsel will meet with Morsi. Meanwhile, riots break out and MB buildings are burned in Alexandria. Nobel prize-winning Muhammad al Baradai tried to mediate between secular and sectarian, finally breaking with the Muslim fundamentalists, blaming Morsi. Of course Morsi and his henchmen must, for their own psychological ‘balance,’ regard Islam and themselves as superior to modern ways, modern knowledge, and all other religions.

The Muslim Brothers (Ikhwan) and the Salafiyya would never have marshaled so much support if Saudi Arabia (and the UAE and Qatar) did not plough several billions of $ into Egypt over the past two years. It really is remarkable to trace global presence of Saudi-funded mosques and mullahs. The Wahhabis are intolerant and murderous, destroying Muslim shrines and tombs. They are concerned about outer things, not inner virtues:  the beard, the robe, the literal meaning of the Qur’an and ahadith, praying in each other’s presence, and of course, the lucrative pilgrimage to Mecca.

In Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafis were built up by Saudi theologians, legal experts and holy warriors, so they won the presidency and parliament. With another $ billion pouring in, Morsi took the chance that he could simply grab absolute power, dominating parliament and the constitutional committee. All this is terrifying to Israel and other Arab states. Westerners, Russians, Chinese, Indians are aghast, appalled.

I am convinced these problems with violent political ‘Islamists’ will only be solved when religious falsehood is exposed for what it is. A ‘way to God’ goes off the rails when it magnifies the human ego, or reinforces the group-self. All true prophets taught a kind of dying to self which cannot happen if ego dominates. Expressed more scientifically, the personality grips the essence and covers it so thoroughly that most humans do not get to experience essence after early childhood.

Since there is no constitution, actions against Morsi are without legal basis. Most have lost trust in the Brothers. They say one thing, then do the opposite.

Syria –

The Muslim Brothers as well as Shi’a warriors from Hizbullah in Lebanon have been building up their forces, again using Saudi and Emirate and Qatari money.  As in Libya, the more effective military units seem to be the Islamists. As I write, Syrian free rebels are claiming to have captured an airfield on the edge of Damascus. The Syrian regime is now fighting ‘everywhere,’ and is losing the ability to deploy fighter bombers and attack helicopters, because the airfields have been overrun.

Syrian jails are jammed packed with young protesters. Freedom fighters are usually shot on the spot. Over the past 20 months, some 40,000 Syrians have gone missing. The regime is likely holding some 15,000. All this drives the uprising. Many ordinary hum drum Syrians have become heroic warriors simply because the regime is so invidiously venal.

The West (and East Asia) is not arming the resistance. No guns and ammo. Instead, the fighting free Syrian forces receive decent radios, med supplies, and perhaps real-time intel. The Sunni Gulf states are providing the weapons and ammo.

Yemen –

The government won back control over towns in the south, but Al Qaida of the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) has been roaming around ambushing soldiers and assassinating officials, officers and suspected spies. Back last August, the Americans killed Anwari out in Yemen’s east, the Hadramaut using Saudi intel operatives and a drone.

The US has lost favor as the Yemenis forget that any state which provides a base for terrorists hitting targets outside the country, loses absolute sovereignty. The Pakistanis do not know that either.

Many Yemenis blame the USA more than Al Qaida. The government of course continues to accept American money and, yes, orders. AQAP is trying to kill many innocent Americans and Jews and Shi’a.

All the other regional states are undergoing slow, painful change. Iraq has split up between Shia, Sunni and Kurdistan. President Nur al Maliki failed in his most important task – to keep Iraq together as a multi-ethnic democratic nation. Iran of course is meddling in many ways, not least through the entity known as Muqtada as-Sadr. Iranian operatives can easily pass through Iraq to Syria and Lebanon.

Israel/Palestine –

Over November 2012 there was a rapid build-up of tensions. Radical Palestinian jihadists fired off rockets at Israel. Of course they were all inaccurate.  Iranian weapons found their way to Gaza, when Egypt opened up a few border crossings (tunnels). Some 12,000 missiles were fired at Israel, killing 6. No country would let such attacks continue, so Israel responded, killing some 160 and destroying more rockets and ammo caches. HAMAS leaders were targeted and some killed.

Israel had little problem finding them, watching them, from hour to hour, and attacking them from the air. Several thousand people in Gaza are taking money from the Israelis, many not even aware of it. But the Arab people are generally not into perpetual jihad. Muhammad never countenanced such a thing.
Israel is eating its twin – Arab Palestine. The Jews, led by American genocidal ‘conquerors,’  are slowly annexing the West Bank. They did pull out of Gaza, putting its 1.7 million under embargo and many restrictions, while reinforcing their hold over the West Bank.

Bibi the Whiner does not worry that Americans might object to his party’s abject slow-motion genocide, its annexation of Arab Palestine. He has the Americans under his control. Incredibly, the once-great Republican party sponsors ‘christian’ Zionists who egg on the Israelis and  support the deracination of the Arabs in their own lands, some of whom are, of curse, Christians. It’s perverse.

Given such perversity, such hypocrisy, it is not surprising that US government influence in the Middle East and Central Asia is now measured in negatives.  Thanks to the jihadi terrorists of 9/11, most American people do not like Muslims. I wonder what God thinks about the children of Abraham making war on each other.
            by JPM

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